








David Alonso, Jesús Bastero: The variance conjecture on hyperplane projections of the lpn-balls. Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 879–904

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero: Convex in.equalities, isoperimetry and spectral gap. In Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis VI (Proceedings of the Sixth International School, CIDAMA, held in Antequera 2014), pp 3-24, World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-3147-63-8, (2016).

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero: Approaching the Kannan- Lovász-Simonovits and Variance Conjectures. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, nº 2131, (2015), Springer Verlag

Jesús Bastero, Reseña de Libros: “Análisis Funcional” de Bernardo Cascales, José Manuel Mira, José Orihuela y Matías Raja. Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española.Vol. 16 (2013), Núm. 2, Págs. 387–391 .

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, The variance conjecture on some polytopes, In Asymptotic Geometric Analysis. Proceedings of the Fall 2010, Fields Institute Thematic Program. Fields Institute Communications 68 (2013), 1-20. Springer.

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués: Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions, Procedings of A.M.S. 140 (10), (2012), 3557–3566.

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués and Pawel, Wolff:   On the isotropy constant of projections of polytopes, J. Funct. Anal. 258 (5), (2010), 1452-1465

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués and Pawel, Wolff:   The slicing problem for hyperplane projections of B_p^n . In “Mathematical Physics and Field Theory, Julio Abad in Memoriam”. Editors: M. Asorey et &. Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza (2009), 53-60.

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués:  A note on typical sections of isotropic convex bodies. Proc. MCalvo6(5) Conf. Mon. Real Acad. Cienc. Zaragoza 33 (2010), 225-232

David Alonso, Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués and Gregoris Paouris:  High dimensional random sections of isotropic convex bodies   J. Math. Anal. Appl. 361 (2010), 431–439.

Jesús Bastero y Julio Bernués: Asymptotic behavior of averages of $k$-dimensional marginals of measures on $\R^n$, Studia Math. 190 (2009), 1-31.

Jesús Bastero y Julio Bernués: Gaussian behaviour and average of marginals for convex bodies, Extracta Mathematica 22 (2), (2007), 115-126.

Jesús Bastero, Upper bounds for the volume and diameter of m-dimensional sections of convex bodies, Proceedings AMS 135 (2007), 1851-1859.

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués  y Miguel Romance, From John to Gauss-John positions via dual mixed volumes. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 328 (1), (2007), 550-566

Jesús Bastero, J. Bernués, M. Romance: Dual quermassintegrals, extremal positions and isotropic measures Sem. Mat. Univ. Sevilla, (2006), 11-26

Jesús Bastero y Miguel Romance, Random vectors satisfying Khinchine-Kahane type inequalities for linear and quadratic forms, Math. Nach. 278 (9), (2005), 1015-1024.

Jesús Bastero y Miguel Romance, An integral inequality concerning isotropic measures on the unit circle,  Journal of Math. Anal. Appl. 293 (2004), pp.564-577

Jesús Bastero y Miguel Romance, A characterization of the MM*-position of a convex body in terms of covariance matrices, Israel J. Math. 141 (2004), 145-156).

Jesús Bastero y Miguel Romance, Positions of convex bodies associated to extremal problems and isotropic measures, Adv. Math. 184 (2004), pp.64-88

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz, A note on L(infinity, q) spaces and Sobolev embeddings, Indiana Unv. Math. J. 52(5), (2003).

Jesús Bastero y Miguel Romance, John's Decompositions of the Identity in the Non-Convex Case,  Positivity 6(1), (2002), 1-16.

Jesús Bastero, Fernando Galve, Ana Peña y Miguel Romance, Inequalities for the Gamma function and estimates for the volume of sections of Bnp, Proccedings A.M.S. 130(1), (2002), 183-192.

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz, On the connection betwen weighted norm inequalities, commutators and real interpolation. Memoirs AMS.154, nº 731, Noviembre 2001

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz,Coifman-Rochberg type characterization of quasi-power weights , Rev. R.Acad. Cienc. Exac. Fis Nat. , Madrid. 94 (4), (2000), 425-430.

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz, Rearranging Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions on Lorentz spaces , Proceedings AMS 128 (1), (2000), 65-74.

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz, On sharp reiteration theorems and weighted norm inequalities, Studia Math.142 (1), (2000), 7-24.

Jesús Bastero: De la Geometría de los Espacios de Banach al Análisis Geométrico Convexo discurso de entrada en la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza, 9_XI-2000

Jesús Bastero, M. Milman y Francisco J. Ruiz, Commutators for the maximal and sharp functions, Proceedings of the A.M.S. 128 (11), (2000), 3329-3334

Jesús Bastero, Luis Vega: Jean Bourgain, Medalla Fields, Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp. 2 (1999), no. 1, 145--155.

Jesús Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco J. Ruiz: Reverse Hölder inequalities and interpolation, Function spaces, interpolation and related topics. Israel Math. Conf. Proc. (1999), 11-23.

Jesús Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco J. Ruiz: Calderón weights and the real interpolation methods, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complutense 9 (nº sup.), (1996), 73-89.

Jesús Bastero, Mario Milman, Francisco J. Ruiz: Elementary Reverse Holder type inequalities with applications to operator interpolation theory, Proceedings A.M.S.124 (1996), 3183-3192

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués, Ana Peña: An extension of Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 5, (3) (1995), 572-581.

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués, Ana Peña: The theorems of Caratheodory and Gluskin for 0<p<1, Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. 123, (1995), 141-144.

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués: Embedding lpn into r-Banach spaces 0 < r < p < 2, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 178, (1993), 363-380.

Jesús Bastero, Francisco J. Ruiz: Interpolation of operators when the extreme spaces are L^\infty, Studia Math. 104, (2), (1993), 133-150.

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués: Applications of deviation inequalities on finite metric sets, Math. Nach., 153 (1991), 33-41.

Jesús Bastero, Julio Bernués and Nigel J. Kalton: Embedding l n-cubes in finite dimensional subsymmetric normed spaces, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complutense Madrid, 2, (1989), 47-52.

Jesús Bastero, Yves Raynaud and M. Luisa Rezola: An explicit expression for the Kr functionals of interpolation between Lp spaces. Publicacions Matemátiques. Vol 35 (1991), 97-117 .