

Seminario invitado en el DIIS en el marco del Master de “Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision" - Javier Alonso Mora, Jueves 9 de Febrero

Dr. Javier Alonso Mora, Associate Prof. Autonomous Multi-Robots Lab. Delft Univ. of Technology.
Motion Planning among Decision-Making Agents
JUEVES 9 de Febrero @12.00. Edificio Ada Byron EINA AULA 07

Abstract: We move towards an era of smart cities, where autonomous vehicles will provide on-demand transportation while making our streets safer and mobile robots will coexist with humans. The motion plan of mobile robots and autonomous vehicles must, therefore, account for the interaction with other agents and consider that they are, as well, decision-making entities. For example, when humans drive a car, they are fully aware of their environment and how other drivers and pedestrians may react to their future actions.

Towards this objective, I will discuss several methods for motion planning and multi-robot coordination that a) account for the inherent uncertainty of dynamic environments and b) leverage constrained optimization, game theory and reinforcement learning to achieve interactive behaviors with safety guarantees. The methods are of broad applicability, including autonomous vehicles and aerial vehicles.


Bio: Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora is an Associate Professor at the Cognitive Robotics department of the Delft University of Technology, where he leads the Autonomous Multi-robots Laboratory. He was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and he received his Ph.D. degree in robotics from ETH Zurich, in the Autonomous Systems Lab in partnership with Disney Research Zurich. His main research interest is in navigation, motion planning and control of autonomous mobile robots, with a special emphasis on multi-robot systems, on-demand transportation and robots that interact with other robots and humans in dynamic and uncertain environments. He is the recipient of multiple prizes and grants, including an ERC Starting Grant (2021).

