

Cuarto seminario INMA – junior – 2 de junio

El próximo 2 de junio a las 12:00h tendrá lugar el cuarto seminario INMA- Junior que podrá seguirse a través de la plataforma Zoom ( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81899308881?pwd=bCtaYXZLQWd1TmE1aHk0MlZwKzNnQT09 código de acceso: 307072 )


Ponente 1: Panagiotis Koutsogiannis

Can we build an artificial brain?

Modern applications require efficient and advanced electronic devices to cope with demanding AI and machine learning algorithms. The current technology based on CMOS technology and von Newmann architecture, being time and energy wasteful, will be powerless to support the high demands of future technology. Mediation can be found in the working principles of the most efficient computer that ever existed, the human brain. Assimilating the basic brain functions, the fabrication of an artificial brain becomes more realistic. However, the complexity of the human brain and the lack of materials that can completely mimic the biological neurons and synapses hinder the development of an artificial brain. The question then arises: Can we build an artificial brain?

Ponente 2: Simon Hettler

Diffraction-Free Electron Bessel Beams  

Electron-beam shaping open up possibilities for novel applications in electron microscopy. Diffraction-free electron beams are promising for imaging with a high depth of focus. This talk deals with the experimental realization of diffraction-free Bessel beams with 3D phase masks.


INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE RESPECTO A LOS CERTIFICADOS DE ASISTENCIA: Se va  a enviar certificados de asistencia al ciclo de seminarios junior del INMA por la asistencia a al menos dos de las sesiones del ciclo. Pedimos a los interesados en recibir este certificado que envíen un email a cualquiera de los organizadores: Nacho (ngimeno@unizar.es), Pablo (pmartinez@unizar.es) o Laura (laumiranda270@gmail.com).
