


Convocatoria Excepcional AXA para proyectos sobre Covid-19: Mitigating risk in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Con motivo de la crisis sanitaria generada por el Covid-19, el fondo para la Investigación AXA Research Fund ha lanzado una convocatoria de proyectos que deben centrarse en:

  • Protecting vulnerable populations from epidemics and catastrophes, including COVID-19: be it migrants, informal settlements, workers in the informal economy, isolated people, people with disabilities, the elderly
  • Improving data collection and quality in health: how can data and technology help us get out of the crisis, understand it and mitigate it? How can it inform future containment and epidemic control?
  • Understanding the effects of confinement and social distancing: what are the effects of confinement and social distancing on society and households? What are the mental health consequences? The social and domestic repercussions?
  • Early warning and preparedness: how do we re-enforce our health infrastructure and ecosystem (including medical devices and drug supply) to be better prepared and how do we protect our health workers and caregivers?
  • Preserving the environment and our health: connections between climate change, biodiversity loss and the origin of viral disease including socioeconomic dynamics leading to infectious disease outbreaks and sanitary crisis; Learnings from COVID-19 for mitigating future related crises in climate and biodiversity

El plazo para la presentación de los proyectos finalizará el 7 de mayo. Para más información consultar el siguiente link

Se adjunta el pdf de la convocatoria.

Contacto: oficina de proyectos europeos (peuropa@unizar.es)

