

Seminarios Física de la Materia Condensada: Thermoelectric conversion mediated by spin currents. 25 de febrero

Rafael Ramos, de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, ofrecerá el próximo 25 de febrero la conferencia titulada: Thermoelectric conversion mediated by spin currents.

Magnetic insulators can be used to generate and propagate spin currents (i.e. a flow of angular momentum) without the presence of charge carriers and their associated Joule heating losses, offering alternative mechanisms for spin current generation and manipulation, with the potential to realize more efficient spin-based applications, such as spin-driven thermoelectric conversion. During this talk I will review basic aspects of interconversion between heat and electricity mediated by the spin of the electron in magnetic materials, particularly, the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) and related phenomena. I will also present experimental results obtained in oxide/metal-heterojunction systems, demonstrating different mechanisms that enhance the spin currents in magnetic materials, offering alternatives to improve the efficiency of spin-based thermoelectric conversion.

La conferencia se podrá seguir de manera presencial en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias y a través de la aplicación zoom a través del siguiente enlace: https://zoom.us/j/95398557636?pwd=NjZndk5NWFVNa1RQUVBYYWhJRmIydz09. (ID de reunión: 953 9855 7636; Código de acceso: 010582)
