

Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Group Online Journal Club – 1 de marzo de 2022

El RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Group acaba de lanzar su “monthly journal club” que se llevará a cabo en modalidad on-line. El objetivo de estas reuniones de una hora de duración, es proporcionar un foro abierto para que los investigadores de nanociencia y nanotecnología interactúen entre sí. El formato está orientado, principalmente, aunque no de manera excluyente, a investigadores de doctorado o de posdoctorado.


El primer webinar tendrá lugar el 1 de marzo de 2022 a las 12h (GMT) y correrá cargo de la Veronica Sofianos (University College Dublin, Ireland) que presentará la session titulada “Publish or perish. Suggested systems to accelerate productivity while writing a manuscript”.


Abstract: We all recognise that the current academic system is becoming a rat race. Success is often translated to the number of publications an academic has. But how can we get these papers published when the majority of academics have to teach, supervise, write research grants, reply to emails, and so on? It is all about creating systems that work for you. In the seminar, I will share with you what systems have worked for me so far and how one can adjust them to their own reality and get that manuscript finally submitted!


Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97989149547?pwd=dFZoalFvVnNjWC9UNEVIMllEdmQ5UT09

ID: 979 8914 9547

Access Code: 094568

